Yesterday afternoon while picking chard for dinner, I almost picked a little frog to be included with our dinner. I love fried frog legs but a whole sauteed frog . . maybe not.
After several photos, he decided to take a flying leap and made me jump.
I had to laugh at myself. I was carrying on a conversation with the frog . . ok, it was a one sided conversation but I was asking him if he had any idea how many little brown frogs get their picture taken and then get posted on a blog! He did not answer. Maybe he’s still thinking about it.
Vicky says
Oh, I think he answered you. “Bloggit, bloggit, bloggit”!!
Susan says
LOL, great post, great first comment.
Michelle says
PLEASE tell me your produce well enough to get the frogs off!
Diana says
LOL Hmmm.. now I would be really worried about you if the frog answered you .. I am sure you would of been a little freaked out if he would of answered. LOL I can see it now and the camera in the dirt. LOL