Vince finally finished his drawing for The Loopy Ewe . . in response to the drawings on the invoices I receive from them. He sent it to Sheri and she has now posted it on her blog. I’ll have to be careful for sure . . Vince is going to think he’s famous or would that be . . infamous?
Micki clemens says
That is too cute! He’s talented and funny too!
Pam says
Vince is quite the artist. You will have to get him to draw more cartoons as a blog feature. Or not!
Good one.
Susan says
Very expressive! Doesn’t get my sympathy vote, just my art admiration. =)
Debbie says
That is very funny, Judy! Vince has a great sense of humor..
Great drawing, Vince!!!
Susan says
LOVED the drawing Vince provided!! I didn’t realize he was such a talented artist!
Lisa E says
Hilarious! I think Vince secretly likes the Loopy Ewe.
Sandie says
Very cute!
Jane says
Too funny!! Good job Vince!!
Rose says
Thinking he has a little untapped talent! I am beginning to wonder if there is anything you guys CAN’T do!!
Linda in NE says
He’s quite the artist….might be a new hobby for him.
Eileen Eisner says
I typed a compliment for Vince and promptly exited without posting. Grrr. Great job, Vince! He’s really talented and so are you!
Brandy M. says
Vince is an artist – who knew?!?!!!??
I love it!
Denise Russart says
Too funny! Now if the drawing were in color, would that shirt be green?
Betty Edwards says
Way to cute, I know they’ll love it especially their customers hubbies!
Donna in KS says
That’s great, I’m glad you sent it to the Ewe. Way to go, Vince! The last photo in my wedding album is one the photographer did not charge for….. he “finally got a father of the bride to cooperate”. It is my dad in just that pose! tie undone, pockets out, arms extended! Such fun guys!