This afternoon I got all the setting triangles made. Fourteen were needed and they were quite simple but I’m so ready to start on the chain blocks. It was very tempting to stop when half were done and get to sewing on the chain blocks but from somewhere deep within, I found a little self-discipline and finished all the setting triangles.
There are more blocks than this . . there will be 20 chain blocks. They will go in the six blank spots, as well as between the Twelve Triangles blocks and the setting triangles. The quilt will finish at about 71″ x 85″.
I’m happy with my progress since I didn’t get to start sewing til well after lunch. I think I can sew most of the day tomorrow but I think that most every day and it rarely happens.
Linda Steller says
You are amazing, Judy.
Doreen says
Really like it…..great progress—feels so good, doesn’t it??? Prayers for Margie daily!!! Hugs…..
Sue in Scottsdale, AZ says
This quilt is going to be gorgeous. I love how it is already looking – you are making wonderful progress.
Dar in MO says
That is one good looking quilt, Judy. It should bring her lots of comfort and make her happy.
Susan says
That looks great! You are going pretty fast, it seems to me.
CJ Tinkle says
It’s going to be a beautiful quilt!
Peg H says
Lookin’ GOOD! You’re making me want to drag out all those blue & yellow fabrics I’ve been collecting for eons …. ACK – NO! Too much to finish r.i.g.h.t. n.o.w. to start another quilt!