If you’ve had the TV on, you might have heard that there’s been a bit of controversy about Big Bird and PBS funding. I have an opinion on it but I’ll keep that to myself but . . here’s where I draw the line!
Is that Big Bird in the run with my chickens? Maybe Big Bird is about to become homeless and heard about the treats my chickens get. Or, maybe Miss Hattie has been emailing Big Bird about Roscoe’s virility.
Wait just a minute . . . that’s not Big Bird! That’s Vince! Instead of putting my husband in the doghouse, I send him to the chicken run when he misbehaves.
Yep, it was just Vince and he was adjusting the new water setup.
And, speaking of chickens . .
Those chickens are so funny. The dump trucks had to get fairly close to their run. The chickens would all run to one end and crane their necks to see what was going on where the dump trucks were working but then when one of the trucks started to come towards where the chickens were, they would run as far away as they could. In the above picture, they were cowering in the far corner away from the dump trucks.
Alma says
The chickens are so funny, and their fearless protector is wearing a yellow shirt- Big Bird colors! So funny!
Ranch Wife says
Well I like your media coverage much more than what’s on TV! Vince gets my vote!
denise russart says
Has Vince switched from green shirts to yellow now that he’s at yellow jacket ranch? 😉 Also inquiring minds what to know does “homer” of “homer’s all purpose bucket” in the photo make “special purpose” buckets too??? LOL
Carol says
Oh Judy! Thank you for making me laugh this morning. Vince is such a good sport. He’s a keeper 🙂
Jevne says
I so enjoy your sense of humor, Judy.
Kimberly says
I want one of those water setups, but my husband refuses to put one in. (and no he won’t let me put one in either.)
Diana Purdy says
Your stories keep me smiling, and it’s much more interestin than the tv news! Have a great day! 🙂
Deb says
I love your chickens! Big yellow bird seems to be a keeper, too. Reminds me of my neighbor in Italy that kept chickens in his really tiny back yard. He would coddle those babies. Btw, did you see the Neiman’s Christmas offerings this year? They have a designer chicken house! Too funny!
Sherry V. says
I have to take a 2nd look — didn’t recognize Vince “out of uniform”!! LOL I thought those shirts only came in green; glad to see he is expanding his color pallette (sp?).
Alycia says
Bwahh haa haa – you are now my favorite political commentator!!!
Becky I. says
I love your sense of humor!
Lori says
So glad you have a sense of humor and a great guy to laugh with you. Very very lucky lady! You two keep up the great work.
Susan says
Your humor strikes again. =)
Kathleen says
This is too funny!!!