All of my little tomato seeds are sprouting! You cannot imagine how bad those giant grasshoppers are and how much they’re eating – leaves, vegetables, fruit, weeds . . they are just awful. I’m so ready for them to go . . die . . whatever! Vince said everyone at work is complaining about how bad they are this year.
I asked Vince if he would make me a little screen to put over my seeds so the grasshoppers wouldn’t eat everything as soon as it popped through the dirt. You know Vince . . it’s can’t be just a little screen. He built me a table, with legs so I don’t have to bend over and he put it over by the water faucet. He covered it with solar screen to keep the hot sun from scorching the tender plants. He has a regular screen cover to put on it when the plants get a little larger and can take the blistering sun better. Even then, we’ll probably keep the regular screen on til early afternoon and then switch back to the solar screen.
This picture as taken several days ago. I think all the seeds have sprouted now.
Vince is such a good helper! If he could just figure out how to get rid of those grasshoppers without getting rid of everything else! Don’t even tell me they serve a purpose . . I could live with a few of them but I’m telling you . . they’re so bad that they hit you in the face when you’re walking and if you don’t keep your mouth closed (and you can imagine how hard that is for me!), they’ll end up flying right into your mouth. The chickens love them but I surely don’t!
Patti Tappel says
Try dipping those grasshoppers in chocolate!
Marge in Louisiana says
Are they the 3-4 inch long ones with red on them? We usually have to fight them off too, but this year there are a whole lot fewer. We even saw our spider lilies in bloom for the first time in 10 years. The grasshoppers usually get the buds before they bloom.
Shirley says
I would have to let those chickens out for long enough to chomp down on all them hoppers.
Linda in NE says
A couple hundred free-range chickens would knock the numbers down.
Karla says
Just the thought of those things gives me the hebie jebbies 🙁 I had to fill my gas tank the other night and they kept jumping at me and the car. By the time I was finished I swore I would never fill the tank at night again. They aren’t as bad in the daytime.