This post was written last night . . before the storm came through. For all I know, all these gorgeous peas and tomatoes and peppers may be three counties from here by now! I’ll never complain about rain but dang, we don’t get a drop of rain for almost 5 weeks and then we get a flood! Well . . wherever my tomatoes may be today, I’m betting they’re smiling after all that rain!
Yesterday Vince was out tilling up the spot where he will plant the grapes. Can you believe how good that dirt looks? I could see this morning that a whole lot of that dirt was washed a bit down the hill but there’s a trench there so it will be retrieved and replaced. We’re so lucky . . so much of the land around this area is rocky and full of clay. He finished tilling it up yesterday but I’m not sure if he has to add anything to the dirt before planting the grapes. I know he has to add something to the soil where the blueberries will be planted. They need an acidic soil.
Last night I dug up the rest of the potatoes and pulled up the plants. We’ve eaten a ton of potatoes and had a fair harvest. We got our potatoes planted way late so I’m happy with the amount of potatoes we got but we will definitely get them planted earlier next year. There’s nothing like fresh potatoes!
I’m not planting anything where the potatoes were til I plant the fall garden. It’s too hot and dry here to plant most things right now.
I’m so happy with my garden. There still are no peas on the cream peas. The purple hull peas are doing great. We may pick some this weekend. The green beans are doing good. I’m picking green beans every 2nd or 3rd day. We might can pick pinto and lima beans by the end of the weekend. We’re getting lots of eggplant. We’ll probably also pick zucchini and yellow squash this weekend.
I’m anxiously awaiting those cream peas and some fresh beets!
Vickie in Cleveland says
Wow, your garden is growing so fast! Everything looks so good.
CJ says
I palnted potatoes for the first time this yr, I have a sm garden in Southern Ohio (Cincinnati). I don’t think mine have even started to flower yet! Im amazed that you are harvesting them already.
Regina says
I’m a first timer with potatoes, too… can’t wait!! (in western NY)
vickie van dyken says
Glad you didn’t get the tornado!! Your Garden looks so great. I don’t know much about it, but I know that around here they grow potatoes and then something else in the field, like alfalfa, because potatoes take a lot out of the soil?? They do the same with corn, rotating the fields they use. I am not a farmer…I just see the fields all around, amongst the blueberries and raspberries which are everywhere
I love August when the farm stands are open full of that yummy corn!! Strawberries are just starting, then raspberries and blueberries…ahhh summer?? Well okay ..we are apparently not having one …again!! Ya it’s raining again today. Husband is off to OK….
Gwen says
Welcome to Texas summer rain! It can be a mixed blessing sometime. Hope you didn’t get too much damage.
Charlotte Betts says
Our green beans were abundant this year…..the freezer and pantry are well stocked. Our tomatoes are beautiful, and we have been enjoying purple hull peas for a week. The squash was late this year because it took a while for my husband to get rid of the field mice that were eating the seeds every night after he replanted them. This is such a contrast to last year’s garden where the Texas drought and the deer did it in. We are needing some rain right now, and hopefully, we will get some this week. There is nothing better than fresh veggies from the garden.
Suzanne says
Judy -I don’t know much about the growing seasons of Texas,what are yours and how did you find out for your area when you have just moved there?
Diana in TX says
Looking good. So far the rains have pretty much missed us-once again going north or south. Saw some corn fields today that are badly in need of rain. One more good rain and that would do it for the corn. Would be nice for the farmers to have one good corn crop-last 2 years sure weren’t. Good chance tonight and tomorrow.
Trish says
Do you can your potatoes? Don’t make my mistake and cut them up! Can them whole.
Your garden looks so good!!