I’m a huge fan of Blue Bell ice cream. Their Homemade Vanilla is my very favorite vanilla ice cream and I love it in a float with A & W Root Beer. I hardly ever buy A & W Root Beer because I can’t stop having root beer floats til it’s all gone and by then I’m needing a size bigger jeans.
Blue Bell’s newest (to me at least) flavor is Red Velvet Cake.
It has that sweet, creamy base . . tastes like real cream with sugar . . and then it has big chunks of red velvet cake, and smaller pieces of cream cheese icing.
It’s so good! I can only hope it’s one of their seasonal varieties and doesn’t stay around for long or I’m going to have to find more self discipline than I think I can find!
Peg says
Oh JUDY. I wish I hadn’t read this post. Were you able to get Blue Bell in Missouri? We don’t get it up here in Ohio, and sometimes I just get overwhelmed with the desire for a bowl of Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream. Light right now. And I’m not really a big ice cream eater – but when I start craving that Homemade Vanilla …. oh no. NOW what am I gonna do???? There’s really good ice cream here, but not Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla …. waaaaaaaaaaaah!
Kim says
Oh how I miss blue bell ice cream… I will end up gaining a ton of weight when I move back to Texas, because of sampling all the things I missed like blue bell and good Mexican food
Sue H says
Oh, my, they didn’t have this kind in Port A, TX, this winter, and we’ve tried pretty much all the Blue Bell flavors. That looks de-lish!
terri says
My boss introduced me to blackberry cobbler last year, still looove hmade vanilla.
Pam says
You can have it for 3 months according to the website. It was introduced in May. http://bluebell.com/what_were_crankin_out/our_ice_cream.html
Debbie in Alaska says
I definitely miss Blue Bell ice cream…banana pudding…pineapple upside down cake…love those. I know I would love red velvet cake too.
Connie says
I saw this the other day but didn’t indulge because wasn’t sure if the boys would eat it and then I’d wind up eating it all. OF course I did buy Moolineium Crunch which is my fav and not sure they’ll eat so…well…you know.
Sandy says
Dutch Chocolate is the Blue Bell flavor in my freezer right now. It’s sitting next to the unopened GS Thin Mint cookies. Watching my weight, you know! Want it to go down, not up!
pdudgeon says
now I”M craving A&W Root Beer floats!
Ruth Anne says
You got me hooked on cherry Bordeaux if it gets any better than that, I won’t be able to stand it!
Sandy Grady says
I don’t think I should try the Red Velvet Cake ice cream. Not after having the Homemade Vanilla Blue Bell that you recommended and it CALLED MY NAME!! And if that isn’t bad enough, hubby tried it too and now I have to share my homemade vanilla ice cream Wahhhh!!! Judy, you should work in advertising. You sure sold me on the vanilla!! Love that stuff.
Melinda says
Guess what I am having right now! Thanks to you.
shirley bruner says
IMO…Blue Bell is the best thing about Texas….along with Taco Bueno. those are my first stops when i visit.
Nathalie says
Red Velvet? I haven’t seen that one yet. My favorite, along with the homemade vanilla, is the peppermint that only comes out during the winter holidays. It wasn’t Christmas at Mimi’s house without the Blue Bell Peppermint ice cream!!
Stephanie says
Have you tried the Blackberry Cobbler?
Mel Meister says
I was hearing everyone raving about Blue Bell ice cream so we tried it and it was just a “meh” for us, it was good, but nothing to rave about.
There is another “blue” brand called Blue Bunny and their premium vanilla is the BEST vanilla ice cream I have ever had! I’ve wondered if people are getting the two “Blue” ice cream names mixed up. I don’t see what is so special about Blue Bell, but Blue Bunny is to die for.
Publix premium ice creams rank right up there at the top for me. They were my favorite until I had the Blue Bunny. Since Blue Bunny doesn’t have the range of flavors that Publix brand has, I guess they still do come out on top for everything but the vanilla.
Blue Bunny Vanilla with broken up oreos… the ORIGINAL cookies and cream! Just Fabulous!
Karla says
I like blue bunny also but Blue Bell just has a creamier more flavorful texture that makes your tongue want to slap your face its so good.
Mel Meister says
Hey Karla, That’s weird because that’s how I feel the difference is with Blue Bunny. It seems creamier to me. Maybe it’s just in our taste buds! LOL!
Beth says
Try southern hospitality…it is out right now…so yummy!!!!
Happy Room Diana says
I think this type of blog should be banned !!! I adore ice cream especially really nice ice cream [white chocolate bring my favorite] but to my knowledge I cannot buy this brand in England.. and although it’s only 8.30am I could eat a bowl full !
Norma says
My husband brought home a half-gallon of this ice cream and it was gone in four days. Soooo good. I have no discipline either when it comes to Blue Bell. I’m with you Judy, I hope this is a seasonal flavor. I’m not even a snacked but Blue Bell just calls my name and I come running.
Jennifer Padden says
My favorite Blue Bell flavor is Chocolate Covered Cherries. It is seasonal and I usually get extras during the sale time so I can have it longer. Homemade vanilla is still the best….with cherry cordial on top!
Shari says
I love the chocolate covered cherry ice cream bars. My daughter also likes the butter pecan & mint choc chip ones too.
Nann says
My first professional job (1975) was as the head librarian at the public library in Brenham, where Blue Bell is made. I immediately developed a great fondness for it — it’s just as well (for my avoirdupois) that I haven’t been able to get it anywhere that I’ve lived in the 30+ years since then.