There are 19 projects posted and the Random Number Generator chose:
#3 is Krista! Congratulations to you! I’ve sent Krista and Vicki an email so they can get together and work out the prize details.
If you’d like to challenge yourself with Vicki’s gorgeous palettes (well, maybe my rotten pie wasn’t so gorgeous but the colors were pretty!), click on the Color Palette Challenge button in the sidebar and you’ll find everything you need to know.
Thanks again to Vicki for the palettes and the prizes!
Thanks everyone for participating and don’t forget that the quilt along starts tomorrow. I’ll be using the May challenge colors but you can use anything you want . . just come play along. It’s a quick and easy quilt and you can make it as large or as small as you wish.
Krista says
Oh Wow! I’m so excited! I can’t believe I won some of Vicki’s beautiful fabrics
And then I have to ask – what quilt along? I thought Road to Llano was starting in September.
Joann says
These lights are the greatest. They were invented by a local woman here in Boise, ID. Everyone should have one. They were fashioned after the “runway” lights on the new 830 Bernina.