Quiltmaker has another issue of 100 Blocks coming out on May 10, 2011. There’s a block in the last issue I’m wanting to make for my niece’s little boy but just haven’t had time. I really love these issues and look forward to each one.
Yesterday morning just before I started pulling fabrics for my purple Monochromatic Challenge quilt, I checked my email and saw that I had a note from Carolyn, the Creative Editor of Quiltmaker. How fun would it be to have that title?? Creative Editor! Maybe I’ll give myself a title .. Creative Editor of Patchwork Times. Does that mean I get a pay raise?
Anyway, the email was to tell me that a block I had submitted a while back will be included in the May, 2011 issue. Carolyn asked if I had a completed project using the block? No . . but I could make one! Only problem is . . it has to be in their hands by March 8. That’s not long . . I don’t even want to know how long. I quickly opened Electric Quilt and began designing my quilt. I came up with some very good options!
Option #1:
Then I changed a few things and came up with Option #2.
Then I changed a couple of things and have Option #3.
Then, the thought occurred to me that maybe this wasn’t even the block I sent in so I wrote Carolyn and said “Please don’t tell anyone that I asked but . . is this the block I sent in?” Nope, it was not! She sent me a photo of the block I submitted and I was back to Square 1 . . literally. I had to come up with a whole new quilt design. I did it and am halfway finished making it and I’m loving the design. Wish I could show you! You’ll just have to put it on your calendar to run to the bookstore and get the Quiltmaker 100 Blocks issue on May 10, 2011. There will be a blog tour and I’m betting an issue or two will be given away here so stay tuned.
But, since we haven’t done a Quilt Along or a Quilt for an Hour or even a Quiltathon project in a while, would anyone like to do one of the above quilts as a group project? The pattern hasn’t been written but from the EQ drawing, it looks like you would need about 2 yards of the background and about 4 yards for the dark blue . . or whatever color you wanted to use. The rest could be scraps.
If you would like to do this project, tell me which one you prefer . . Option #1, #2 or #3. Majority rules!
Dorothy S says
I vote for number 3
Susan says
I really like quilt #2………
Chris says
I keep going back to #1 so I guess that’s my choice!
Chris x
JudyL says
WOW! The first three who voted each voted for a different quilt.
Sue in Scottsdale, AZ says
This is a tough choice. I love them all, but I guess I would have to vote for #2 as I keep going back to that layout.
Donna S (in MI) says
Option 1
Andrea says
I vote for number 2. I am not doing much quilting just now due to a trapped nerve in my back but think a Quilt For An Hour project would be just the job. Thanks xxx
Maria Stahl says
Three, three, three!
Kathy R in FL says
My vote is for #1! I need to make a quilt for one of my nieces by September 1, and this one looks just perfect for her.
Karen says
I love option 1
Marky says
#3 gets my vote!
Leslie in Maine says
I like #2, but all of them are nice.
Cathy S says
I vote for #1.
Angie says
I love them all, but #1 does it for me!
Debbie says
1 and then 2 and then 3…..
okay my vote is for 1
Judy D in AZ says
#3 for me. It appears to float even tho it has ties to the borders.
Judy F says
Number 1!!!
Joyce says
Liking #2 a whole lot. All three are really nice though. I have EQ6 and think I need to re-explore what it can do. Which ones do Chad and Vince like the best…I love it when they are included in your blogs.
swooze says
Kim Webb says
I would love to do this.
My son says number 3.
Patty says
Paula says
#1 if I decided to join in. Paula in KY
Pat McGuire says
I would like to make #1. It really pops. Thank you for the offer.
sus says
Kathy says
That is too funny! Good thing you checked!
I like them all but probably layout 3 is my favorite!
Carla says
They all look great
Why do you have to make it so hard to decide
But if I have to choose I say #1
Mary C in WA says
Whoa, I’m glad you checked too! I look forward to a new QM 100 Blocks Magazine. How do you get so lucky to submit a block again? Oh yeah, #3 for me too
pdudgeon says
#3 for me! i like the nice clean, crisp looks.
Anna McD says
I vote for 2…but like them all
Marion Morgan says
Block No. 1
Debbie in Alaska says
Creative Editor…I need a title also…thanks for the suggestion!
Laura says
I really like option 1!
Lee Ann L. says
Say what?!?! Another 100 blocks issue?!?! Wow.
I don’t know why; but, I’m liking option 3. The strong black contrast seems complete and striking…
Pam says
Number 1 for me.
Pam K says
Option 1 – I liked right off.
bingo~bonnie says
number 1 is my favorite… less is more sometimes… I don’t care for the secondary pattern the yellow makes in the other 2 options… have seen that recently from another mystery…
laughed when i read you told her not to tell… but here you are telling on yourself. lol
Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Jo's Country Junction says
Yes!…I love your quilt a longs…just go a bit slower and do number 3….I can live with one, but three is the “bestest”.
pj says
I like #1. I like how the pinwheel is showcased on the diamond block with the lattice work that connects the colored blocks. Neato!!!
Karen in CA says
I like all three, but option 1 is my first choice. I think I like the extra scrappy HSTs. I’ll definitely participate whichever design you choose. And, the dark blue is perfect since I have way too many blues in my stash.
suzanne says
I love #3
pat says
I like number 1.
Kare in OH says
Option 1 is my favorite!
gardenpat says
I love #1 also, but would be happy to quilt along any one of the three!! Thanks for the generous sharing!
Marla says
I like them all but #3 seems to appeal to me more.
Belinda says
Definitely #1.
Cathy C says
I vote for #3! Really all of them are nice but 3 just jumps out to me.
Andi Stanfield says
#1 or #3…Two is my least favorite. Thank you for sharing your talents Ms Creative Editor
Marilyn Satterfield says
****** ONE *****
Marne says
One, for sure!
trina says
I like number 1. The first thing I thought was a kalidescope.
ursula says
Definitely, number two.
Ann says
I vote for #1.
Tamera says
I like option #1.
Cindy says
I vote for #3
marjatta says
Love option #1.
tammy k. in illinois says
my vote is for #3!
Donita Q says
First choice- #1 But, #2 is a close 2nd.
Peggy says
I was beginning to worry about you and your family because your post came so late in the day. Don’t feel bad about the block. I have done the same thing when designing quilts for Quilting Treasures. Glad you were just working even if it wasn’t on the right block.
candace says
I vote for option 1 because I like the movement to the inside of the blocks :o)
Penny says
Wow! Glad you weren’t working w/ the correct block ~ our benefit! All 3 are just wonderful but I prefer #1!!!
Susan Lock says
my fav is option #1
Marge Harrington says
I like number 1
Maxi says
Number 1. Looks like the pinwheels are spinning.
Donna says
#1 caught my eye more than the rest. Love your quilt alongs!
VickiT says
I’ve never done a quilt that large or anything other than a baby quilt and don’t know if I’d even do this BUT, if my vote counts, I like #1 the most.
Barb in MI/FL says
My choice would be #3. Thanks for doing a pattern for us!
Kate says
#1, but they’re all beautiful!
Leah says
No 1 is my favorite.
Judy J says
My favorite is #1.
Becky R says
Please #1!
Kathy says
I really like #1 the best.
Jennifer Collard says
I vote for option number one!
Isabel says
I like #3 best. Thanks!
patchkat ~ Susan in TX says
Hard choice. I like them all, but #1 is my favorite.
Donna in KS says
#1 and thanks, again!
Shirley says
#1 works for me
Diane S. says
I love #1. It looks like gems sitting in front of sunny windows.
Fran says
I prefer #1, but I would do the sides, top and bottom more scrappy instead of having the 4 on the left one set of colors, the right another set of colors and the same for the top and bottom sets of 1/2 square triangles. Also I would rotate the center squares so they do not go all the same color way. Does that make sense.
However, I do like the designs very much on all of them.
Sheryl says
Great looking designs! #1 is my very favorite!
Valerie says
I like #3 the best.
Vicky says
I vote for #1.
CherylL says
I vote for #1. Love the colors and design!
Sandi says
Number 1 gets my top vote, although they’re all nice. Thanks for sharing, as always!
Debbi says
I really like #2 best but see that it is in the minority, so then I vote for #1! Although the third choice is nice too I wouldn’t make it having seen the others.
Linda in MI says
hands down for number ONE
Deb says
I am going with #1 too. It reminds me of diamond facets. Well, not that I woudl really KNOW what that looks like….but I will ‘guess”!
Then I like #2. not so fond of #3, but that is just me.
Sounds like fun. What size is it?
Gail Sheppard says
All are beautiful, but #1 is my favourite!
Nancy Latham says
Three is my first choice and 2 would be my second choice.
Nancy says
#1, for sure!!
Pat in Washington says
I like #1 best!
Christine says
I like #1 the best!
Charlene S says
I like #2 and then #1.
Dot says
I can’t really say, I will go for any one you choose.
peggy says
Darlene S says
I like #1 best. They are all nice though. Dar
Truddi says
definitely #3
Truddi says
definitely #3
Anita K says
I haven’t finished Connect the Dots yet but am excited to hear another in the works. I like #3 but each looks great.
Angie in So CA says
Cindy from CA says
#1 is the one for me!!
Karla says
My vote is for #1 it just stands out so vividly
leah says
I like 3 but not sure I`ll be able to join in… too many commitments right now… but would love to see what everyone else makes.
Mel Meister says
Option 1, please!
Lydia says
I like #3 the best, but will probably be able to “wing it” if one of the other options is chosen, and have a bit less scrappy-ness and a bit more of the dark contrast as is true in your design #3. I really like the churn dash effect that one has.
Laurie in Maine says
#1 (liked 3 as well and was trying to figure out where to “throw a monkey wrench” into #1
Happy Room Diana says
I LOVE NUMBER ONE, so that gets my vote.. shall I start sorting fabrics now!
jane says
I would pick #1.
Julia Kennedy says
Definitely #1 is my choice
Deb from OK says
Wouldn’t this be pritty with Dark brown Latis and either fall colors or spring flowers. Love this patern.
#3 gets the vote but love them all
Vivian says
I like #3!
Joan says
I don’t suppose it will help to say I like them ALL. I really like the base block though, so no matter which one wins, the quilts will be neat. thanks for sharing.
Diann Smith says
I vote for # 1
Gari says
I really like #1. I think it kind of looks like diamonds or opals set in a somewhat plain setting. That would be a great use of batiks.
Annie says
#1 for me, love that setting!
Bizzybess says
LisaS says
I think they are all great, but number 3 really catches my eye. That’s my vote!
Sherri Starr says
My vote goes to Number ONe! Love the clean look of it….
Jenny says
I like number 3 best.
roccagal says
I luv 3!!!
Carol Sc says
I think this is too funny — what happens if there is a tie?! I like all three, but cast my vote for #3.
Karen says
I love that you didn’t know what block you sent in. That is so me! Glad you got it straightened out and are making the right quilt!
Linda in Calif. says
I vote for #1. Oh Judy – how funny you didn’t remember which block you sent in! And Speck it so darn cute – just love that little dog.
Nancy says
I would vote for Number 1….it’s my favorite!!
Kathy S. says
This is a tough choice as I like them all, but if I had to pick just 1 it would be #1.
Pat Gudritz says
Love to do any of them, but 2 my favorite
greenduckie13 says
Hard to pick but I pick #3.
Amy says
I vote for #2.
jayayceeblog says
Beautiful stained glass window effect — I like the simplicity of #3.
Sharon says
I vote for #1. I love your quiltalongs and I can see me really liking #1.
Nik says
Option 1 please.
Lynne says
#1, #1, #1 — too funny designing a whole new block!! Good thing you checked.
Kari in UT says
I have not every participated in a quiltalong, but I am curious to try it out.
My vote is for #2, but I like them all.
Carolyn says
Oh, they’re all nice – but #1 is just stunning!
Diane Harris says
That is too funny! You wouldn’t believe how many people email us to ask what they sent us. I guess it’s just so long between submission and publication, everyone forgets! I do like all of these options, and can’t wait to see what you’re doing for Quiltmaker.
Pam Butler says
My vote is #1
Mimi says
Number 1 gets my vote.
Trish says
It was a very hard choice. But I believe my choice is Quilt #2. I am going right now to mark the calendar for May 10!
katieQ says
I’ll take #3 to go please.
Donna K. from N. TX says
#3 gets my vote, although they are all pretty cool.
Suzanne Smith says
#3 for me if only I can find the time to join in!
Cindy in NC says
Number 1 is my favorite, so I’m voting 2 and 3 off the island!
Hilary McDaniel says
undoubtably, it’s #1. It really caught my eye. Congrads on the publishing of yet another block. You rock.
Linda Smith says
I really like #3.
katie says
I ike number 1 it is very colorful. good for playing in the stash
Michelle L. (Momof11) says
I like #2 best, but they are all good!
Trudi says
#3 definitely! I love the complete symetry of it, and I have a stash that needs to be busted ready and waiting! lol Beautiful pattern whichever way youplay with it!
Iwona says
I like quilt #2.
Nan says
Number ONE gets my vote… but maybe that’s just because I like the number! tee hee
Diane Hines says
I like 3; it seems less busy.
Merel says
I like no 1 best. It is not so heavy with the dark.
cindy lecamus says
#1 for sure
Mary Carole says
Option #1
Debby (Hugs) Hughey says
#1 Is the one! The colors pop in the minimal black framing. The golden yellow acts as sunlight peeping through the window.
Marion Bryant-Parsons says
No.2 is the one I’d pick.
Dana Pellerin says
would love to do tis quilt with you. I really like # 3. I like the way the black looks. My second choice is #1. Thanks,Dana