Temps here have been hovering just below freezing all morning and while we don’t have much sunshine, we don’t have rain or ice or wind but it’s just so wintery looking outside. I went out with the camera hoping to get some pictures . . don’t ask me what I thought I might find. No flowers, no garden, not much of anything photoworthy around our yard right now.
Anyway, I thought I could get a picture of Vince out picking up stuff around the pole barn but he wouldn’t come outside and I was afraid if I went inside, he might find a chore for me to do. He’s cleaning out the barn so he can hopefully move all the stuff from the downstairs garage into there so we can make a decision about turning that room into the downstairs kitchen.
There are a couple of chickens on the walkway . . hoping for a treat no doubt. That’s about all there is to see right now . . a couple of chickens.
Speaking of chickens, remember the one that was moulting and had hardly any feathers? When I got back from Louisiana, she had a nice coat of new feathers and she’s very pretty and clean looking. Still not laying but she’s pretty. I guess that counts for something, huh? She’s my least friendly chicken or I would get a picture of her with all her new feathers. You’ll just have to take my word for it! : )
Patsy says
Yes, wintry looking, but I do see a spot of color. Your little magnolia tree looks good. We have a big, old one in the front yard, but don’t know for how many more years. It has borers and the whole tree didn’t look its best this past summer.
It’s 54 and sunny here, not bad at all.
Have a great weekend . . .
Cindy B. says
We had some snow fall in our area today … past that now. (Still chilly!)
I like your tree which starts in the far left of your pic and trails over to the right side. The tree trimming services here would cut that puppy out in an instant!
Best Wishes!
Cindy B.
pdudgeon says
almost all of our snow from this week is gone, but we’re hoping for a new fall of snow tomorrow. the lake is still frozen, and every snowfall thickens the ice.
it’s wonderful quilting weather, however!
Marion Morgan says
Your blog was suggested to me by qulterkathy. We are in a UFO group together. Now my husband enjoys it too esp. stories of all your critters.
margeeth says
We have about 8″ of snow over here. Te upside is I can snowdye, the downside is that the traffic is in chaos, I have to go to work but just cannot get there.