When we built the fence around our two garden areas, we put metal chicken wire about 3′ up and then went with the plastic mesh wire for a total of about 6′ around the kitchen garden and about 10′ around the big garden. The metal chicken wire is to keep the rabbits out. They will chew right through the plastic fencing. The deer don’t chew . . they just jump.
Last weekend we were eating in the breakfast room and I looked out on the deck and there was a rabbit! He’d gone up 5 steps and was on the deck trying to figure out how to bypass the fence around the kitchen garden. He could have crawled between the spindles and jumped down about 3 feet down into the garden but he then he could not have gotten out of the fence. I really thought he was going to jump so I went out and shooed him off. He was in no hurry to leave either. Lettuce, basil, parsley . . yummmm!
Yesterday I went out to get parsley and guess who had jumped down into the garden from the deck and couldn’t get out.
Maybe I’ll just hide behind one of these wimpy plants and she won’t see me!
I must get out of this fence! Surely I can chew through this wire fence!
How on earth did I get in here? I want OUT!
I figured he got himself in . . he could get himself out but after a few pictures, I opened the gate and let him out. Vince thinks he’ll remember the trauma and not come back. I think he isn’t that smart and will be back real soon.
Yvette says
How sweet of you to feed the local bunnies. LOL!
ida says
It might not be pretty, but perhaps adding some chickenwire to the outside of the deck railing (where the bunny jumped from) might be prudent.
Angela says
I think you need to get Speck busy! He needs to EARN those belly rubs! 🙂
Judy D says
Waskalie Wabbits!!! They sure are pretty but ohhh so pesky! We use them for exercise for the dogs. They never catch them but they sure run after them!!! 🙂
quiltbea says
He’s an ingenious little fellow, isn’t he?
I hope he learned his lesson and stays out of your garden.
Karin says
rabbits learn where the food is – he’ll be back and stuck again I’m sure of it, LOL
marjean says
rabbit stew
Denise says
I’m betting he’ll be back and instead of just waiting for you to open the gate to let him out, he’ll be wanting you to open it to let him in too! LOL
Chris Althaus says
Great story! My yard is fenced, but the bunnies know exactly where to slip under the fence. You’ll have to let us know if he returns.
Karen says
It is the return of Peter rabbit.
Lori in SD/NE says
bunnies have brains the size of BB’s! He’ll be back, with relatives and friends!
Sheryl says
I think you’re right. He’ll be back!
Pat says
I agree that you’ll need to put chicken wire on the part of the deck railing where good old Peter Rabbit figured out how to jump down into the garden. VERY hard to “outfox” these critters!
Diana G in England says
Rabbit pie… one of my favorite foods! Plus he is probably organic living on your nice fresh veggies!
Julie says
Poor baby in rabbit jail…just what did he do to deserve this, LOL!! He needs out of your lovely garden for sure!!
CJ says
I think you should just leave him there, and try and catch a few more, and have rabbit stew for dinner!
Annie says
He’ll be b…..aaa…..k!
: )
ruth anne says
It is truly Peter Rabbit’s grandson, of so many times!!! Sure reminds me of that story. He probably lost his jacket somewhere else.