Chad comes home on Friday afternoons and he’s so happy. He works in town on weekends so he comes home every Friday, works Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, then goes back to school on Sunday evening. He’s doing that so he can keep his job for the summer.
It surely helps my aching heart to know that he’s enjoying himself . . I can only hope there’s just a bit of studying going on with that fun.
His most important things to share this past week were:
- He’d found a website that has curse words in every language you can imagine. Mom, tell me what language you want to see! CHAD! I’m your mother! I do not want to see any curse words!
- His roommate has ordered a 42″ tv. Doesn’t every college dorm room need a 42″ tv?
- He was invited to join a fraternity. Sorry . . I have no money! Yep, that’s right and your mother isn’t paying for it.
Those are the things he told me about school. I’m sure he shared more with Vince.
He shared a text conversation . . what do you call a conversation you’re doing on your cell phone via text? I don’t have a clue. There’s a girl . . not a girlfriend I’m told . . who, for Valentine’s Day, got a rose and truffles from some famous shop that Chad had to drive 100 miles round trip to get to. Seems as though the two of them are at different ends of the political spectrum .. think James Carville & Mary Matalin here . . not the amount of money they make or the way they look but Chad and his friend are that different in political views. Anyway, Chad and the girl, who is from here but away at a college halfway across Missouri, had quite a discussion/debate via text last week. Chad read me all that discussion. Well . . maybe not ALL of it . . Both of them are very smart and very committed to their views and it was an interesting conversation, though I’m sure it used up most of my remaining rollover minutes! Somewhere buried under the kid who only thinks of hunting and fishing, I see a man!
It’s still hard to see him leave on Sunday afternoons. We really don’t get to spend enough time with him because he’s either at work or sleeping. He got off work Saturday at 6. Came home, ate, showered and went to bed. Had to be at work at 7 Sunday, worked til 4, came home, ate and left for school. I miss him . . a lot! But, how can I be sad when he’s enjoying it so much?
He reminded us again this weekend that he will NOT be coming home on weekends next semester. Fine . . we’ll just go spend the weekend with him! 🙂 Vince will be teaching at Chad’s school once a week so maybe Vince can see him then. I’ll go along for the ride and visit with a friend near there sometimes but maybe sometimes Chad will find time to visit with me on those nights . . mom can only hope!
dee says
That guy gets more handsome every time you show a icture. He looks like he lost weight…lack of Mom’s good cookin’…girlfriend…maybe both? We had that happen here a while back. When there’s a girlfriend that matters I hope you get one as sweet as my daughter-in-law to be. It’s an added blessing. I lived through several girlfriends and believe me, it’s scary out there.
CJ says
That was a great post Judy :). You’ve done a great job with him and that girl… sounds like the beginning of a fabulous relationship, one not based on just hormones!
Judy in Michigan says
I agree with Dee – Chad looks great and such a wonderful smile!! You must be very proud.
CindyC says
Sounds like you need unlimited text on the cell phone so it won’t roll over into your minutes. That was a life saver for us when our son went to college. They text all the time. Don’t call and talk. I had to learn to text, but also told him, “I’m paying for the phone to talk to you, not the voicemail or a text. If you can’t talk to me, then I need to get the phone back and give to your brother.” No problem since. He knows I’d rather talk.
Anna Takeda says
My son is 26 now and I went through the same emotions you did when he left home. Even now half my heart leaves with him when he goes, although I don’t let him see that. You just want your child to be happy and a good person and to see him every once in a while. Chad sounds like a really good kid.
Linda says
I wonder if you can get far enough back from a 42″ TV in a small dorm room to actually watch it.
It’s good Chad is having such a good experience in college. I’m sure there’s some studying going on in there somewhere.
When my son found a girl with brains he eventually married her. According to him they are hard to find. Imagine that!!
Kathy Rockey says
Hey, Judy, you are such a good cook….I stayed a week with my son who was MUCH further away than Chad is, and I cooked in the dorm’s tiny kitchen every night, invited all his friends and assorted floormates, they loved it, I loved it, they invited me to be thier house Mother. I’d be visiting with some groceries and a crockpot next semester. Save your money though, they can EAT.
bingo~bonnie says
oh no if Chad is already warning you this early about not comin ghome every weekned next semester – that means he will leave for school in the fall and you won’t see him again unitl Chirstmas break! David did that his second year of college when he attended UofL. ;( so what did his stpid girlfriend do (me)… I drove up to see him ever weekend. which looking back I should not have! he should have come home to see me!
Sounds like Chad is turning out to be a good man. 😉 I’m sure he will know exactly what he wants in a spouse when the time comes… and I’m sure she will have to know how to cook! 🙂
Love from Texas! ~bonnie