I took these pictures Wednesday, one week after having planted my basil.
We’ll have fresh basil in no time at all. Isn’t this the neatest thing? I still haven’t set up the second one. Not sure if I want to plant basil or a variety of other herb seeds . . not even sure if I can find a variety of seeds at this time of the year. Basil seeds came with the Prepara Indoor Garden so I may end up just planting more basil. We know that will be put to good use.
Anna Banana says
How VERY cool!
Liz says
Very nice crop…
for herb seeds, try Richters – they have a great catalog and a nice website.
I would try Stevia (a natural sweetner). If you try sage, chives, garlic chives and thyme, you could use the herbs during the winter and then transplant the herbs into the garden in the late spring. Some fresh lettuce in a month would also be very nice….
Ruthie says
Well, isn’t that just the neatest thing!
Vicky says
You’ve got a green thumb!! Can you grow parsley in those? I love fresh parsley but have never been able to get it to grow out here. Guess it’s too hot and too dry. Back home I used it as ground cover under my rose bushes, huge beds of it. Katie, my red doxie, used to nap in the parsley, and a neighbor asked me one day if I cooked a lot of Italian food because he always smelled parsley. LOL.
Can’t wait to see what you grow next. It’s always so exciting at your house!