I’m such an EQ junkie, but you already know that, right? When I’m sitting down waiting for Vince to get home for lunch, or if he goes to bed with a book, I go to bed with my laptop . . every spare minute, I’m playing with EQ. Same thing happens on the desktop. I hate to admit this but since you know everything else about me, you might as well know this! My iron has auto shutoff. This is an 8 year old T-Fal iron that I paid $6 for and I love it so much. The dial (temp control thing) fell off last year but I have it on a surge protector so it works just fine — can’t adjust the temp though. I have a dozen more irons but I really, really love this one. OK . . it has auto shutoff but it re-heats real quick so don’t feel bad for me. But, I sew a seam, get up to iron. The iron is cold. I shake it and take 10 steps to my desktop and play with EQ while the iron heats up. Only problem is, I get all involved with EQ, the iron heats up, then shuts off again. I go back, shake it, go back and play with EQ and this cycle repeats itself 3 or 4 (or more) times! Can you believe I do such stupid things?
OK . . my point is . . I have EQ files on the desktop and on the laptop and it never fails that the one I want to work on, or grab a border from is on which ever computer I’m not using. So, I run upstairs (or downstairs . . wherever I’m not!), e-mail the file to myself. I even tried putting my EQ files on a thumb drive but . . bet you can guess what happened to the thumb drive . . don’t have a clue where it is!
But yesterday I got smart! I set up a Gmail account for my eq files. I can access Gmail from anywhere. So when I finish working on an EQ file, I just save it for e-mail and send it to myself at Gmail. I’ll never fill up all the space and I can open it, revise it or whatever I want to do, send it to myself again. Then, if I need to delete the old file from Gmail (so as not to confuse myself!), I can do that.
I love it when I think of something that works!
Leslie says
That sounds like a great idea! I have the same problem- too many files in too many places…and then you don’t know where the last revision is.
Is there any way to merge files in EQ? I’d like to get all my files together and don’t quilte know how.
Paula, the quilter says
Welcome to the world of Google documents! I have been using it for about a year now and absolutely love it. I have one spreadsheet that is gigantic that I reference all the time. If I were to print it — 15 pages. But there it is, available to me 24/7 if I am in computer reach.
Vicky says
You’re so organized! Sounds like a good plan!
Judy, have Mom and Dad left home ahead of Ike? It looks like it’s going to get rough in their area. Yeah, I’m worrying!
Vicki W says
Brilliant idea!
Cindy B says
I use Google for my recipes, so easy to find the one I want and easy to share with others.
Norma Bourgeois says
Judy, I don’t think you’re stupid, I think you’re very normal. Or is it maybe, I do the same things with my iron? Except I don’t have EQ, but I do sit at my computer and lose myself in one rabbit trail after another. I think I remember you from BR – did you belong to GSQA?
Linda says
Great idea. Just remember that nothing on the Internet is forever and save your files to a CD or DVD every so often to avert disaster.
Teresa says
Great idea . I can get lost in EQ myself, and have burned many a meal to prove it.
sandi a. says
I only recently discovered gmail but have grown to like it much better than my yahoo e-mail. I have e-mailed photos to myself so that if I am visiting my mother or friends in Iowa, I can access those e-mails to show them recent photos. I am so technically challenged that I just get really excited when I figure out how to do something in my blog or e-mail accounts. Makes me feel “smarter than the average bear” as Yogi would say! 🙂
Mary says
I have some files on Google Documents that I use on both computers and when I’m away from home but I haven’t put my EQ files on google. At home when I’m working on the laptop, I can access any of my desktop files via my home network so it hasn’t been a problem.
Sheila says
I think you should start a whine and cheese party until Vince sets up a network in the house. LOL You will be able to access the files from any computer. Tell him it’s all in the name of efficiency (up/down the stairs; time spent emailing the files); efficiency = more quilts quilted & more quilts designed and more books published, and, and, and (I know you can be VERY creative here). You’ll be saving on the cost of new irons too.
Marilyn says
You make me laugh. I can just see you running up the stairs or vice versa. I have an iron that shuts off too. Same thing. I turn it on to heat up and while it’s heating I do something else to come back to it shut off. LOL What a brillant idea to gmail yourself. I need to check it out.
Ava says
Perry says
Now that is a great idea!! Total organization at its finest! Now if you can just program the email to wipe out the old one when a new one gets done, you will have it made, lol.