Wednesday is my favorite day of the week . . just for this semester which ends tomorrow! Chad has class from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It isn’t that I don’t like having Chad around . . most of the time I love it but I surely do love my time alone. Since I sew in the basement and Chad’s room is in the basement (his choice!), he gets aggravated if I start sewing too early and anything before noon is early in Chad’s eyes!
As I danced down the stairs shortly before 9 this morning, anticipating the day mostly to myself, I smiled when I reached the bottom of the stairs. The first area I see is the wet bar area downstairs.
Also in Owensboro, I kept wanting Vince to put a screen door up so I could open the solid door and let a bit of the outside in. I think we even bought a screen door once but never put it up. This house has a screen (notice the main door is open today and Speck can’t escape!).