We didn’t make it all the way to Louisiana. The roads in eastern OK were supposed to be icey and slick til mid-morning so we didn’t leave home til almost 10 a.m. I knew Chad wanted to sleep a bit later and 12 hours in the car straight is hard so we just took our time and enjoyed the ride. Chad had his camera and took a ton — literally about 300 — pictures. A few times, we had to stop, turn around and go back for him to get a picture of something that caught his eye.
Our first stop of the day was by the Nevada Daily Mail to buy a few newspapers because Chad’s picture was on the front page.
Here’s a few of his pictures from the day.
1. Chad’s shoes and the mess in the floor. He has a strange taste in shoes!
2. The McDonald’s over the Will Rodgers Parkway
3. Farm land (lots of that on our trip today)
4. A dump truck on a dusty road
5. A motor home with all the states colored in where they’d visited. We saw it in Texas and Texas was not colored in. Chad thought that was so funny!
And, last picture I’ll share but certainly not the last picture he took today . . Welcome to Texas.
I was very thankful when the camera battery went dead.