When I decide to do something, it’s pretty much a done deal. I doubt there are any women’s libbers reading my blog but before anyone gets offended, Vince and I talk about things before we buy them (except fabric and yarn). When we moved here, we had more stuff than would fit in the moving van so he made the decision to leave worthless things behind . . like the garden tiller, the generator, bedroom furniture . . stuff like that. And, he brought along the important stuff like mugs from every place he’s visited since birth, Barbie Dolls still in packages (OK . . if they’re such collectors’ items, why didn’t he just sell the darned things so we could bring the garden tiller or the generator?). Since we’ve been here, we’ve bought some big stuff . . like bedroom furniture, entertainment center, breakfast room furniture, freezer. There will be another move and obviously, if we don’t get rid of some stuff, things aren’t going to fit again so we’ve mainly been discussing what we buy (except fabric and yarn) and deciding if we really need it and what we’ll get rid of if we add something.
Calling Vince at work just to ask about spending $$ isn’t a good idea! (Ask me how I know this!) There are logical steps that I generally go through before asking to spend $$ but since this is a family friendly blog, I won’t mention them here!
Anyway, he called me! Here’s the conversation . . once I realized we’d covered whatever it was he called me about (must’ve not been too important since I don’t even remember).
Me: Since we discussed buying a grain mill while we were in KY and I never did it, do you mind if I go ahead and order one now?
V: Where are you going to get the grain?
Me: I already ordered that.
V: You ordered the grain before you ordered the mill?
Me: Yep.
V: OK . . get it.
Me: It costs about $350.
V: That’s ok . . I gotta go!
Hmmmm . . I don’t even know if he realized what he was agreeing to but he said yes so it’s ordered! I ended up getting the Family Grain Mill.
I was pretty sure I’d get the Country Living one, mainly because CJ recommended it and since I’m a CJ wannabe (except for the motorcycle) and she recommended the smoker that we love and every time we use it, we both say . . that’s the best thing we ever bought!
Anyway, I ordered the mill from Pleasant Hill Grain and the ladies there were so nice. They kinda steered me away from the Country Living mill because it isn’t electric. The Family Grain mill seems kinda puny but they assured me they sell a ton of them and have had few to no problems with them. It has a motor but it also has a hand crank so in the event of a long period of no electricity, I could still use it. Don’t ask me why though since I’d have no oven in which to bake bread since that’s all electric too. I guess if we had an extended period with no electricity, if I used up all my fabric (hand piecing of course!), and knitted up all my sock yarn, I could sit and grind the 200 pounds of wheat berries I just ordered.
So, I’m all set. I’ll just sit by the curb and wait for Fed Ex to bring my wheat and grinder.
Liz says
How many times do you have to grind the wheat?? I bought a kitchen aid attachment and I’m not very satisfied….Looking for something better.