Poor, old Daisy! She’s getting so old and dachshunds (like quilters) tend to get overweight when they get older. She’s had back problems and allergy problems and things just seem to be working against her. She’s so slow! I took her for a walk this morning and thought I was going to have to carry her back. Can’t you see it .. old, fat woman carrying old, fat dog! We get to the little tiny step up at the front door and she thinks about it for few seconds, then she eases her front legs one at a time up the little step up and then she makes her way inside.
Then, the old, fat woman finds sugar coated pecans laying on the counter. Oh, Vicky . . never leave food around when Judy’s here and especially don’t leave anything sweet! I ate a few and then I walked in here to the computer still chomping on my pecan. I noticed Daisy was moving at warp speed. There’s food involved. Then she nudged me on the leg, which is exactly what Speck does just to be sure we see that they’re performing begging. When Mom and Dad were at my house, dad would feed Speck from the table and Speck would start out gently nudging Dad as he went into the begging position. If Dad didn’t act, or didn’t act fast enough, Speck’s nudges would get a little more severe.
Who’d thought Daisy could ever have gotten into this position.
No, I didn’t share a pecan with her. Vicky isn’t home and I’m not sure if that’s allowed or not and I’m surely not going to be responsible for making Daisy sick but I thought it was just so darned cute that she still had the energy to stand up and beg!
By the way, those pecans were so good, I’ve already called Point Coupee Pecans and ordered some to be sent to my house!