This morning I sat down to stitch on The Maker and Mender and my heart just wasn't wanting to stitch. I figured that for today I'd be better off doing something a bit more physical. I went out and worked in the garden for a couple of hours then came in and decided to get all the project bags out of the big storage ottoman, see what's in there and get a list made of what I want to stitch in the ...
Sad Morning
I'm going to put the sad news at the bottom in case no one wants sad news! Really, this whole post is sad news - more like aggravating news. Yesterday morning I cooked breakfast and I got some applesauce out of the fridge and it was moldy. I thought . . that hasn't been in there that long. Then I asked Vince . . does the fridge have it's own compressor or does it share one with the freezer? It ...
The Mortar is Done
Yesterday evening I was able to finish stitching the mortar, finish the one window frame and finish the door on This is the Day by Plum Street. This one will now get put away for a while. I'll start back on The Maker and Mender today and once that's done, I'll switch back to The Lord's Prayer. Here's where it was the last time I worked on it. My plan is to finish the words and, even ...
Oscar’s Favorite Season
I forgot how much Oscar loves asparagus. He did not forget how much he loves asparagus. He keeps wanting to go outside and get more. I hate to do it but I'm going to have to tell him that I didn't plant it ALL for him! Here's a few shots of the rest of the garden. This was the original bed I started with the walking onions. They multiplied like crazy, which is what they do. They ...
House for This is The Day
This project was not on my list that I posted about the projects I would love to get completed but it's one of them. It's This is the Day by Plum Street. What's one more finish? I know . . I'm dreaming but you never know what I might get done if I stay on track. This is the picture from the chart: For the most part, this is the project I work on when Debbie and I get together once a ...
Smoking Buckboard Bacon, Canadian Bacon & A Roast
It's been about 10 or 12 days since I put the pork butt in the brine and about 6 or 7 days since I put two pork loins in the brine. I had planned to smoke them tomorrow but there's a chance of rain so this morning Vince got the smoker all set up for me and I got it loaded. There's an arm roast and the pork butt on top, the two pork loins which were each cut in half are on the bottom shelf. ...