The air fryer has been in use almost all day.
Then I made a little cake.
Then I fixed hamburger steaks.
They were topped with cheese, and then mushroom, pepper and onion gravy.
Yes, I’m loving the air fryer.
The air fryer has been in use almost all day.
Then I made a little cake.
Then I fixed hamburger steaks.
They were topped with cheese, and then mushroom, pepper and onion gravy.
Yes, I’m loving the air fryer.
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Dottie says
Mary Jo says
All of that food looks great! But you are so funny when you get a new “toy” for the kitchen. I love to see how much you enjoy each one when you first get it. Does your love continue for all of these kitchen “toys?”
JudyL says
Not all of the toys are ever intended to be used every day. The dough proofer gets used on cold days when I have bread rising. The wheat grinder gets used every time I make bread, which is once a week. The electric pressure cookers get used almost every day. I can’t think of other things I’ve bought in the past few years but there’s nothing that doesn’t get used much – except the slow cooker. I’ve never been a fan of that but keep one around for those few times when I do need it.
Sherrill Pecere says
You made a cake in an AIR FRYER?!!! Well, for cryin’ out loud..go figure! HA
Teri Jordan says
How hard is it to clean up…
Sandie says
That’s what I wanted to know too!
Sibyl says
Judy is the fryer good on stuff like fried chicken? What it looks like is baked items. I use my deep fryer for fried chicken, catfish, hush puppies and things like that. Wonder if it would work in a air fryer? How would the hush puppies work as I put them in one scoop at a time. Just wondering.
Firelei Jones says
Everything looks delicious! Where do you find your recipes??? The gravy looks to die for, but likely not made in the air fryer? And any cake recipe would work? Thank you, Judy for your inspiration today and so many other days!!!
Dar in MO says
OK, now you have me thinking more seriously about an air fryer. I love everyone of the things you cooked in it today. Is it hard to clean up after each thing? And it does cook things faster too, right? Maybe Santa needs to be told where I live.
Angie Kiker says
I would love to know how you make your gravy in the picture. Well, I ordered the air fryer and the griddle attachment or flat pan attachment. It came, via On-Trac. However, we have a mail delivery person that won’t come back on the road to deliver, so tomorrow if I want my new air fryer I will need to trek to town. 10 miles to the post office and pick it up. Why Amazon would send one item via On-Trac, and not the other is a puzzle.