Yesterday I took down the Comfort & Joy blocks in anticipation of putting up some portions of blocks for the Road to Round Rock Quilt Along that starts Saturday! Don’t forget . . Saturday! 🙂 It’s going to be so easy . . you’re going to be surprised. So . . to share what was on my design wall . . something you’ve already seen.

Comfort & Joy
Irene in NC says
Will there be a link on the “Group Projects” page for the “Return to Round Rock” project ? So far, I have been bouncing back to the Feb 18th post to get allthe infor and I was wondering where you would post the “clues”?
Irene in NC says
Forgot to ask – Flikr had me sent a request so that I could be added to the group; did you receive it ? It (flikr) is telling me I cannot get into the group until you approve the request…
kwiltnkats says
Judy really like how your Comfort and Joy is coming along.
Krista says
Can’t wait to see Road to Round Rock coming together. By the way, one of my quilts on my design wall post today uses the Square Spiral pantograph – you convinced me to try it, and I love it!