Please read all of this before you start.
- These instructions are going to be on the blog for any one, any time you want to do this pattern.
- It is a very simple pattern. It may have been done or something very similar to it before.
- It isn’t truly a “mystery” because there’s one block . . made a bunch of times. I would show you the entire quilt layout now but then you’ll know more about what you’re doing and I want you to use your stash without fear of matching or what goes.
- There’s more in this post that you might want to read if you haven’t already done so.
- I’m not totally sure what the time frame will be but this is so quick to make and you won’t be pushed too much. Check back every day if you can. I’m not taking the “clues” down so you’re not going to miss anything but if you want to keep up with the group, visit the blog as often as you can.
In order to keep you on track, there is a prize. At the end, there will be a drawing from all who have shared pictures of a finished top, made exactly according to the instructions. What’s the prize? Every time I post a picture in which my little pair of Gingher Glory scissors are shown, someone comments on them. The prize at the end of this project, for one person who has a completed top on time, will be a pair of Gingher 8″ dressmaker shears, in the Glory pattern.
I’m not taking names or asking for pictures. You’re welcome to show pictures on your blog and add that link in a comment. I probably will not put up a link box until the finished top is shown.
Here’s what you need to do to get started:
Pull 15 – 20 light fabrics. The more fabrics you choose, the easier it will be to put your top together without having the same fabrics too close to each other. Don’t worry about what matches . . pull lights!
Cut 16 – 3-3/4″ x 5-1/2″ rectangles and label these as (A).
From each of 12 different lights, cut the following. Keep these together according to each fabric. These will be your light sets. (You will have 12 “sets”. Each set will have the following pieces.)
1 – 3-3/4″ x 5-1/2″ rectangle (B)
2 – 2″ x 7″ rectangle (C)
1 – 2″ x 8-1/2″ rectangle (D)
NOTE: In the two photos below, all of my fabric is not shown. I’ve already made some of my blocks.
Pull 15 – 20 dark fabrics. Same thing as with the lights — the more you choose, the easier it will be to put your top together. These will be your dark sets.
Cut 12 – 3-3/4″ x 5-1/2″ rectangles and label these as (E).
From each of 16 different darks, cut the following. Keep these together according to color.
1 – 3-3/4″ x 5-1/2″ rectangle (F)
2 – 2″ x 7″ rectangle (G)
1 – 2″ x 8-1/2″ rectangle (H)
If it takes you more than 5 minutes to choose and pull your fabrics, you’re taking too long.
Remember — if you don’t like this top, send it to me, I’ll quilt it and donate it to charity.
Vickie says
Some thing just ain’t clicking for me tonight I have read and re read several times..I think I best go to bed and come back tomorrow and re read..’cause I know Judy that you have not written this in gooobliedook.
cheers Vickie
Kathy B in TN says
For pieces F, G and H – did you mean to say darks? Just double checking before I cut . . .
Vicky says
Okay, tonight I pull fabrics. I’ve tried already and failed miserably. Decided just to start over. I can do it!! 🙂
gardenpat says
Just so I understand- for B,C and D- you cut them all out of each of the 12 lights you’ve pulled- they can’t all be different, true?
Charlene says
The rectangles in A and E – should they all be the same? Or different? If different, can they repeat as one of the sets in BCD or FGH?
JudyL says
A is light, E is dark. A and E could repeat in their respective sets but I wouldn’t use anything more than twice.
Happy Room Diana says
Oh help, I am going away until Monday afternoon and will not have access to the internet or a sewing machine.. will I be able to catch up when I get back, or will everyone have finished by then.
Babs says
I’m gonna gather my fabrics tonight when I get home. I am really excited to be doing this! I love a challenge. This is going to be a stretch for me. I like your 5 minute suggestion. I will try that.
Cynthia says
Boy, do I feel silly for asking this, but…..getting back to the rectangles “A” & “E” — I get that “A” is cut from the light fabric pile & “E” is cut from the dark pile. Here’s what I’m wondering — are all 12 “A” & “E” cut from the SAME light/dark fabrics that I’m using for the 16 “B,C,D” & “F.G,H” pieces? Or are “A” & “E” cut from a separate stack of lights/darks…Does that make sense? Clear as mud?
Denise/justquiltin says
Okay – now I see I’m going to have to be pulling fabrics tonight to join in this one — but Judy I may go beyond that 5 minute time limit to pull them. Only because there is a serious lack of light fabrics in that darn stash. I don’t know who did the shopping for it 🙂 but clearly they stuck mostly to mediums/darks. But I’m sure there must be something in there that works especially since it’s scrappy – tho you’re really making me work outside the box with the scrappy thing to but I’m always up for a challenge. Mine may be a medium and darkest dark combination.
Kathy Wagner says
Oh you do tempt me! It looks like great fun and my favorite kind of project!
I will see how time goes this weekend and if I can join in the fun.
Rebecca says
I’m sorry; I’m not even pulling fabrics (yet), but won’t you have 12 light sets, each with B, C, and D (not 16 as in the text up there)?
But 16 dark sets, each with F, G, and H, right?
Perry says
Oooh, I have to get started……I am already behind, lol.
Barb in MI says
I have a question that I haven’t seen answered. Should the 16 light A rectangles be different fabrics than the sets? Same with the darks – should the 12 E rectangles be different fabrics than the sets?
Thanks, Barb
JudyL says
Barb, It can be. I wouldn’t use any fabrics more than two or three times. If you want to use the same fabric for one of your sets as you used in A or E, you’ll be fine but I’d try to stick with using one fabric no more than 2 or 3 times (counting the “set” as 1 time).
Vickie says
yeah I think I have it all worked out and my sets are all cut-felll free to pop on over to my blog
and have a peek-please anyone feel free to rain on me if you think I’ve errred ,cheers Vickie
Mary Crowther says
Mine are posted now too. I sent you a separate e-mail already. Hope the snow stopped there. My son is headed back East to Missouri on Tuesday.